The idea of degrowth has always been a strain green thought, but what exactly would degrowth mean for our economy, society and relationship with the planet. Does degrowth provide the answer to the social and ecological crisis?
Given the convergence of interconnected crises, which one could call an anthropological crisis, degrowth, a catch-word for a recent explosion of thought and socio-economic experimentation, aims to initiate a democratic and peaceful transition to new models of sustainable and desirable societies.
This is what we have tried to elaborate upon in our collective work “A Degrowth Project-Manifesto for an Unconditional Autonomy Allowance”. Thus, based on our discussions, debates, experiences, and proposals, we support the establishment of an unconditional revenue, issued in non-monetary drawing rights on resources and access rights to public services, in addition to monetary allocations in local currencies rather than in Euros.
Advocating for degrowth in the midst of soaring unemployment, isn’t it indecent/absurd?
Growth does not ensure full employment: it’s a myth. Over the past forty years, GDP has grown but so has the unemployment rate. Imposing austerity, which has devastating human consequences, and hoping for growth to return, while turning a blind eye to ecological collapse is simply irresponsible. We cannot grow infinitely in a finite world.
The term degrowth frightens…
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