Archives de catégorie : A Degrowth Project

The English part of the website (thanks to Evelyne and Dan).

« A Degrowth project » right in the middle of a growth crisis?

A few weeks ago we published an article titled Transition is underway: « More and more people are realising the physical and anthropological limits of our growth society. More and more people feel uncomfortable with consumerism, even more with the demeaning … Continuer la lecture

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A Degrowth Project – Manifesto for an Unconditional Autonomy Allowance

For a democratic and serene transition towards sustainable and desirable societies ‘Without a minimum of resources, the new citizen cannot fully enjoy the republican principles of liberty, equality and fraternity”, Thomas Paine declared in 1792. But, two centuries later, this … Continuer la lecture

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Vincent Liegey : “The freedom to consume is a costly illusion” – A Degrowth Project

By AgnèsRousseaux from BastaMag (March, 23rd 2013) “We have successfully created misery and ill-being in our opulent materialistic societies”, declares Vincent Liegey. The engineer and spokesperson for the Degrowth party (PPLD: Parti Pour La Décroissance) does not stop at slaying … Continuer la lecture

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A Maximum Acceptable Income: beyond the symbolic limits

Suggesting an Unconditional Autonomy Allowance (UAA – Dotation Inconditonnelle d’Autonomie-) coupled with a Maximum Acceptable Income (MAI – Revenu Maximum Acceptable) is part of the approach, which proposes an economic, social and emancipatory tool to initiate models for sustainable, and … Continuer la lecture

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Basic Income or Unconditional Autonomy Allowance?

Published in Moins!, the swiss journal about political ecology. Over the last few years the idea of a living or basic income has been the object of more and more debates. Nevertheless it is quite difficult to make sense of … Continuer la lecture

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A Degrowth Project: Economically out of whack – In France Net info – By Vincent Liegey

While the country is in recession and is desperately seeking some growth, one rubric is not in crisis: the wacky interview! Let’s enjoy it and let’s seriously ponder the discipline calling the shots between countries: the economy. To learn more about it, … Continuer la lecture

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Debunking the Myths about Degrowth and Solidarity Movements: Lunch Time Discussion with Vincent Liegey

After Szeged last week, Ljubljana on the week-end, « A Degrowth Project » will be at the Central European Unversity, in Budapest: Debunking the Myths about Degrowth and Solidarity Movements Lunch Time Discussion with Vincent Liegey Wednesday November 27th, 12:40 in the … Continuer la lecture

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The CEU Weekly: « A Degrowth Project – to question the mantra of growth »

The CEU Weekly met with Vincent Liegey, co-author of “Un projet de Décroissance”, to discuss the degrowth movement, relocalization and the questioning of norms. CW: Could you summarize degrowth as an idea for someone who has never encountered it? Vincent Liegey: I … Continuer la lecture

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