Archives de catégorie : A Degrowth Project

The English part of the website (thanks to Evelyne and Dan).

A Degrowth Project on « To do away with the God of Growth »

In total rupture with the equation: Growth=jobs=wellbeing, some authors propose to “decolonise our imaginary” in order to leave the “religion of Growth” with its productivist corollary. “Whoever believes that growth can be infinite in a finite world is either a … Continuer la lecture

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Video: A Degrowth Project, by Vincent Liegey

And also: 8 videos with Vincent Liegey on Degrowth Vincent Liegey, French Degrowth thinker and activist, is one of the spokespersons of the French Degrowth movement, member of the International Degrowth network. He’s also the co-author of the book Un … Continuer la lecture

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Transition and Degrowth movements… Three questions by Silence!

This interview was made by the French magazine S!lence. Three questions were asked to the members of the Collective « Un projet de Décroissance » (« A Degrowth Project » ) about the differencies, the complementarities, and the convergences between the Degrowth and Transition … Continuer la lecture

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« A Degrowth Project », why this book?

Over the last few years, concepts of an unconditional basic income and a maximum acceptable income, the extension of free usage spheres, taxing misuse, fluid local currencies, open re-localisation and transition, as well as issues of political strategies and organisation … Continuer la lecture

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The transition is underway! – In

Back from Hungary, a sojourn in Paris is an opportunity to see that – everywhere the atmosphere is positive and there is a push for change. Vincent Liegey –February 5th 2013 The transition is on its way! It’s the heading … Continuer la lecture

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A springboard for a Degrowth Project: the citizens’ initiative for a basic income.

The co-authors of A Degrowth Project, Manifesto for an Unconditional Autonomy Allowance give their enthusiastic and vigilant support to the European citizens’ initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income validated by the European Commission. Within a context of economic absurdities and the … Continuer la lecture

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Participative discussion and workshop on Social Engagement, Degrowth and Transition in Budapest (Gödör – 13h)

The elections are over, isn’t it time for meaningful political debates? We would like to invite to an exciting day of open and participative events: Saturday 19th of April at 13h at the Új Gödör klub (Király utca 8-10. Budapest … Continuer la lecture

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The first summer harvests for « A Degrowth Project »…

A Degrowth Project was published in January. Since then we have participated in more than twenty public debates in Switzerland, Belgium and around France. In September we are organising new meetings around Paris and in a few places around France (Centre, … Continuer la lecture

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« Degrowth without austerity » : interview with Vincent Liegey by Valérie de Saint-Do for HUMmagazine

Seemingly, his engineering background did not predispose Vincent Liegey to become the spokesperson for the French Degrowth Party (PPLD). But his intellectual curiosity and the commitment of this multi-skilled researcher; including a stint in cinema, has led him to it. … Continuer la lecture

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“Against the austerity induced depression, the hope of Degrowth” in Les Zindigné(e)s!

From an enforced recession to degrowths by choice Detroit city, Greece or Spain as well are still enduring the ills of an enforced recession and the devastating consequences of austerity plan: the destruction of institutional solidarities, unemployment, evictions, and their … Continuer la lecture

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