Archives de catégorie : A Degrowth Project

The English part of the website (thanks to Evelyne and Dan).

« A Degrowth Project »: Sport and economic growth!

An abandoned city, another one plagued by demonstrations fuelled by petro-dollars… nothing new really. Except that we are not talking about Detroit, the Greek crisis or the arrival of massive investments into our industries originating from the Gulf countries. No, … Continuer la lecture

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Fiction: « Orbán discovers Degrowth »

This text is a transaltion of an article published in Hungarian on the 15th of April: « MESE VIKTOR ÉS A NEM-NÖVEKEDÉS TALÁLKOZÁSÁRÓL » on VS.HU. Its autor, Vincze Szabo, imagines Viktor Orban wiking up after the 6th of April elections in opening his … Continuer la lecture

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Proyecto Decrecimiento en Argentina (Jujuy y Buenos Aires)

En Jujuy: Introducción al Decrecimiento, 29 Noviembre 19h30, FCA-UNJu Alberdi 49. En Buenso Aires: El 15 de diciembre, de 14 a 17 horas, nos encontramos en el Instituto para la Inclusión Social y el Desarrollo Humano a continuar nuestro intercambio … Continuer la lecture

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Degrowth, a platform for dialogue and convergences in Sweeden – 1&2 October 2017


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Green European Journal: « A Degrowth Project: a strategy to counter the crisis »

The idea of degrowth has always been a strain green thought, but what exactly would degrowth mean for our economy, society and relationship with the planet. Does degrowth provide the answer to the social and ecological crisis? Given the convergence … Continuer la lecture

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Momentum Institute analyses Basic Income / Unconditional Autonomy Allowance: « Living income for free and egalitarian societies »

In last October the Momentum Institute published a very good analysis about Basic Income, Unconditional Autonomy Allowance and Degrowth: « Living income for free and egalitarian societies » Hugo CARTON – October 2013 – Momentum Institute Despite the unsurpassed material opulence of … Continuer la lecture

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« A Degrowth Project » in « Le Monde »

March 11, 2013, by Hervé Kempf, in Le Monde. Degrowth, instructions manual An equal income on the one hand and a maximum income on the other: this is the economic vision offered by Degrowth supporters in this book which is intended on … Continuer la lecture

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« A Degrowth Project » : Yesterday’s utopia has become today’s reality!

Publish in Ecorev’ n°41. Yesterday’s utopia has become today’s reality! Every year, at the onset of autumn, we are on our barge. It is time to anchor it until the end of winter and we have become used to do everything … Continuer la lecture

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Degrowth and equality of the sexes? An interview with Vincent Liegey by Sarah Nemno

Vincent Liegey, a qualified engineer and a PHD student in economics is a member of the Parti Pour La Décroissance (Degrowth Party). He co-authore : Un Projet de Décroissance: Manifeste pour une Dotation Inconditionnelle d’Autonom. He is answering questions from … Continuer la lecture

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« A Degrowth Project » in Libération: Vincent Liegey : “We can no longer grow in a finite world”

Vincent Liegey: “We can no longer grow in a finite world” Libération – Economy – April 21, 2013, 19:06 INTERVIEW – The spokesperson for the supporters of degrowth, this engineer campaigns to give society an ecological and humane meaning. By … Continuer la lecture

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