Archives de catégorie : A Degrowth Project

The English part of the website (thanks to Evelyne and Dan).

A Degrowth Project: « And What If We No Longer Had To Work? » – Vincent Liegey in Reporterre

In order to move beyond a productivist vision of life, we have to question the notion of work itself, which, for the most part, serves to sustain a system of profound inequality. We need to break from “sacrosanct economic growth”, … Continuer la lecture

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Succesful and fruitful Degrowth workshop in Budapest – The Right Great Transformation is underway!

After Ljubljana in 2013, Zagreb in March, Sofia in May and Leipzig in September 2014, a two-day long regional workshop on Degrowth in postsocialist countries took place in Budapest on the 24-25 January 2015. Around 100 people from about 20 … Continuer la lecture

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Degrowth radio: Open Source on Radiozora

Tonight, live on Radiozora, Chill channel from 7 pm: Cargonomia As a peak of our Open Source series, this episode celebrates the birth of Cargonomia, a forward-looking project that blends several socially and environmentally conscious ideas and movements that include Cyclonomia … Continuer la lecture

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A Degrowth Project at the European Citizens’ Summit: « Beyond Europe’s growth obsession: rights, justice and democracy for all »

« A Degrowth Project » was invited to the 2014 European Citizens’ Summit in Brussels: « In a powerful act of solidarity, eight members of the EU Civil Society Contact Group organised thesecond Citizens Summit in Brussels on 23 and 24 September. From … Continuer la lecture

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A Degrowth Project on Visegrad Revue: Degrowth in post-socialist countries

Degrowth in Emerging Visegrad Economies? by Vincent Liegey, Visegrad Revue, 24.11.2014 The idea of sustainability, of turning away from infinite growth in a world with finite resources has been gaining ground globally. Can it be applicable in the emerging Visegrad economies, … Continuer la lecture

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Headed Straight For The Cliff? There Is Another Way! … with a Degrowth project.

Reporterre is an independent French online daily dealing with environmental issues. They organised a very successful discussion in Paris in October « Environment in the heart of a reconstruction of politics« . A Degrowth Project collective participated in this event based on the ideas … Continuer la lecture

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Protectionism and Degrowth? For an open re-localisation – By the collective « A Degrowth Project »

Published in Les Z’indigné(e)s n° 16, June 2014.The idea of “Protectionism” recurs often when we are trying to imagine solutions to face up to the horrors of Liberalism. Our friends from the Left often prone it and, even though we might … Continuer la lecture

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« A Degrowth Project » at the Lab Session of the Institute of Desirable Futures: Growth and Degrowth.

For over a year, « A Degrowth Project » has been invited to participate to Institute of Desirable Futures’s Lab Session. Lab Sessions provide “a two-way journey into the complexity during which some 20 participants from diverse horizons explore the limits of our … Continuer la lecture

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« A Degrowth Project » review in Les cahiers de lecture de l’Action nationale by Yves-Marie Abraham

How to escape from the “steel cage” of capitalism? By Yves-Marie Abraham Published in Les cahiers de lecture de l’Action nationale, Volume VIII, numéro 3, été 2014, p. 25. The project of a “sustainable Degrowth” entered the public debate over ten years … Continuer la lecture

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A summer with « A Degrowth Project »

« A Degrowth Project » will participate to several events on the summer, some of them in English: On Thursday the 10th of July, in Barcelona, to present the spanish edition, Proyecto Decrecimiento, invited by our friends of Research&Degrowth in the frame of the Degrowth Summer … Continuer la lecture

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