Archives de catégorie : A Degrowth Project

The English part of the website (thanks to Evelyne and Dan).

Reflections on a decade of degrowth International conferences

Following the sixth International Conference on Degrowth in Sweden – and ahead of two complimentary events in Mexico and Brussels this September – members of the DEGROWTH CONFERENCE SUPPORT GROUP reflect on the history of these events « Apart from demonstrating … Continuer la lecture

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Degrowth International Conferences in 2018: Malmö in August, Mexico City and European Parliament in September

The Support Group of the International Degrowth Conferences is happy to announce three degrowth events for 2018. After the conferences in Paris (2008), Barcelona (2010), Venice and Montreal (2012), Leipzig (2014) and Budapest (2016), in 2018 there will be: 1) 6th International … Continuer la lecture

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The Malaise of the Old Left represents an opportunity for Degrowth – Green European Journal

These days, the degrowth movement is not interested in provocation anymore. Instead it wants to stimulate discussions amongst the people who believe that it is possible to decolonise our minds. Vincent Liegey, the coordinator of the latest Degrowth Conference says … Continuer la lecture

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« Taking Basic Income beyond the market: The Unconditional Autonomy Allowance »

« A Degrowth Project » on the Canadian Dimension – ANDREA LEVY  –   SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 French Social Theorist André Gorz predicted that as technology rendered a growing portion of living labour increasingly superfluous to the production of commodities, the state would have … Continuer la lecture

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Video: Degrowth Offers Opportunity for a More Meaningful Life

On Friday, November 27, 2015, Vincent Liegey, co-authors of a Degrowth Project and coordinator of the next international Degrowth Conference in Budapest gave a lecture at the Central European University: Introduction to Degrowth, From the Deconstruction of our Addictions to Growth Toward … Continuer la lecture

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Vidéo: Degrowth, Transitions and Cargonomia at the Ecopro conference

At the Ecopro conference in Budapest, in November 2016.

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Video: Unconditional Basic Income and Degrowth – Vincent Liegey

Budapest, International Basic Income conference – 23 November 2015.

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Neither protectionism nor neoliberalism but “open relocalization”, the basis for a new International

Will they call for a return to protectionism? Try to regulate the markets? Attempt to rein in unemployment by prioritizing economic growth, regardless of the cost? The Left seems to have run out of ideas for social and economic initiatives … Continuer la lecture

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Next meetings with « A Degrowth Project » in Sweeden, Croatia, Slovenia (launch of the Slovenian edition), and Budapest

After Vienna university in October, we would like to invite you to the following discussions around « A Degrowth Project » , in the framework of the stream towards the 5th International Degrowth Conference (Budapest, 30 August – 3 September 2016): 11 November, Paths … Continuer la lecture

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A Degrowth Project in Tunis: “Towards a World Citizens’ Movement: Connecting the circles” – 25-26 March

After the « European Citizens’ Summit« , a « Degrowth Project » will participate in the conference “Towards a World Citizens’ Movement: Connecting the circles” planned for March 25th and 26th in Tunis in the framework of the World Social Forum. The conference will be … Continuer la lecture

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